Korea Tour Ranking

Mokpo Port Festival (목포항구축제)

Korea Tour Ranking > Festival
주소 : 6 Samhak-ro 92beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do
Tel : +82-61-270-8441
“Mokpo is a port.” This phrase is familiar to Koreans as both a movie title and a popular song. Mokpo, one of three major ports in Korea, is a key center for trade and logistics. The Mokpo Port Festival recreates the traditional Pasi Market culture of Mokpo Port, offering a variety of food, entertainment, and experiences. Visitors can participate in live auctions at a ship for fresh seafood and enjoy the ocean view while grilling their purchases at the cooking station. In addition, the festival features a variety of maritime parades, navy band performances, and shows by art troupes from Mokpo’s overseas sister cities, all reflecting Mokpo’s identity as a port city.

◎ Pasi Market
A market formed on the sea where merchant ships and traders gather near fishing grounds. 

Detail Information

Introduction : “Mokpo is a port.” This phrase is familiar to Koreans as both a movie title and a popular song. Mokpo, one of three major ports in Korea, is a key center for trade and logistics. The Mokpo Port Festival recreates the traditional Pasi Market culture of Mokpo Port, offering a variety of food, entertainment, and experiences. Visitors can participate in live auctions at a ship for fresh seafood and enjoy the ocean view while grilling their purchases at the cooking station. In addition, the festival features a variety of maritime parades, navy band performances, and shows by art troupes from Mokpo’s overseas sister cities, all reflecting Mokpo’s identity as a port city.

◎ Pasi Market
A market formed on the sea where merchant ships and traders gather near fishing grounds. 
Programs : Pasi market auction & grilling experience, youth night, youth Pasi market road parade, etc.


관람 가능연령 : Open to visitors of all ages
행사 종료일 : 20241013
행사 장소 : Areas of Mokpo Port & Samhakdo Island
행사 시작일 : 20241011
공연시간 : 13:00-22:00
관람 소요시간 : Varies by program
주최자 정보 : Mokpo-si
주최자 연락처 : +82-61-270-8441
주관사 정보 : Mokpo Festival Organization Committee
주관사 연락처 : +82-61-270-8441
이용요금 : Free

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